The Center for Learning with Nature has been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation to explore ways of integrating bioinspired innovation into undergraduate biology education. Despite being based on the living world, bioinspired innovation is not typically covered in undergraduate biology. This project will focus especially on integrating bioinspiration into the education colleges, where pre-service teachers are trained in subjects like Life Science. Pre-service teachers are a particularly important community of learners, because their training impacts all of K-12. Integrating bioinspiration into undergraduate biology education, particularly for pre-service teachers, is thus an especially promising way to get bioinspiration more widely understood, appreciated, and adopted.
This project is a collaborative effort between The Center for Learning with Nature, the College of Education at the University of Louisiana (Lafayette), Georgia Tech University, Arizona State University, and Villanova University.
You can read more about the project on the NSF website here.