Terms of Use. Only the relevant stuff. We tried to keep it short!
- All material on this website is copyrighted and its use requires explicit written permission from the owners.
- Curricula is for use only by registered users under the terms of this license. Users must be hired as teachers at an educational institution serving children. Exceptions to this term require explicit written permission from representatives of The Center for Learning with Nature.
- Curricula may not be copied, posted (e.g., on the internet) or downloaded except where a download option is provided through the website. Curricula may not be shared with non-registered users.
- Registered users are given one year from the day their access code to the Teacher’s Guide is generated, after which a new access code is needed. We reserve the right to revoke the use of our materials from registered users at any time.
- Access codes are intended to give teachers a year to try curricula, after which licensing fees may apply. We do not want cost to prohibit any teacher from trying or using the curricula! Continued access to curricula for individual public school teachers without charge is the norm. For other educators, or use of curricula at the district level, licensing fees may apply, but always only at fair market value or below.
- By downloading curricula materials, curricula users agree to complete the provided teacher and student evaluations after each course taught and share these completed forms with The Center for Learning with Nature. Comments and results from these evaluations may be used by the Center for Learning with Nature for internal evaluation and marketing purposes.
- By downloading curricula materials, curricula users agree to provide images of students undertaking activities from the course, each time the course is taught, with The Center for Learning with Nature. These images may be used by the Center for Learning with Nature for marketing purposes.
- Previewed curricula is for previewing purposes only and not for use or reproduction without the explicit written permission of the owners.
- Some materials posted may contain copyrighted materials not granted to The Center for Learning with Nature. These materials are not subject to license fees and we only provide them as an educator would share materials with another educator for use in a classroom.
- These terms may be changed at any time by The Center for Learning with Nature.